Miscelanea of sport-related work I have done recently for ESPN and a cover for the sport sections of the Star Tribune about March Madness. Link to articles and Art Directors credited below.

Tiger Woods reinventing himself on his 40th birthday for ESPN online. Art Directed by Neil Jamieson.

Opener for "Olympics Confidential" about athletes concerns in Rio´s olympic games. ESPN online. Art Directed by Titus Smith

Spot illustrations for "Olympics Confidential"

Opener for "Manning vs. Brady" stats in NFL playoffs 2016. ESPN online. Art Directed by Paul Wallen

Spot Illustrations for Manning vs. Brady" stats"

Opener for an article about "Player´s only" meetings in difficult situations. ESPN online. Art Directed by Neil Jamieson.

Derrick Gordon feature in "Coming out" special. ESPN the magazine. Art Directed by Christopher Delisle

Opener for "The Prosecution of Thabo Sefolosha". ESPN magazine. Art Directed by Rami Moghadam

Interior illustration for "The Prosecution of Thabo Sefolosha"

Interior Illustration for "The prosecution of Thabo Sefolosha".

Opener Piece for "The Emoji Warfare" . ESPN Magazine . Art Directed by Rami Moghadan.

Closing piece for "The Emoji Warfare" . ESPN Magazine.

Cover for the Sports section about hectic times for college basketball and politics. Minnesota Star Tribune. Art Directed by Jay st. Pierre.