Next Saturday 14th December at 16.00 I will be giving a talk at Apple´s store in Berlin, Kurfürstendamm about creating storytelling and Illustrations for the iPad!.
During an hour I will talk about making art for the iPad and my creative process to make a 3D Christmas for the ipad from the sketching and inking to making the panorama illustration (video below)
It´s a free event, you only have to register below!
Apple Store - Kurfürstendamm 26, 10719 Berlin
Saturday 14th December at 16.00
and go to "Event und Workshops" calendar!
Photo: Maria Luján
Click below to see a screen capture of the 3D Panorama illustration (unfortunately the screen capture software has a low frame rate so it get very bumpy compare to the ultra smooth "live" version).