Against the odds
2016 witnessed some of the most unlikely events in Sports, from teams winning unbelievable streaks to epic comebacks, challenging underdogs and unexpected losses. ESPN online created this supercool chart ranking the events by the probability of happening, from the most obvious to the less likely (with a chance of 0,04% of actually happening). Art Directed by Titus Smith and Chin Wang
Below my 23 drawings for the interactive timeline and some sketches.
For the whole interactive timeline click here

Against the odds
Serena Williams Climbing to the top (tied to Steffi Graf)
Cleveland Cavaliers conquering the Warrior´s Oracle arena.
Huskies NCAA women basketball can´t stop winning!
Chicago Cubs smash 108 years of bad luck!
David vs, Goliath...Leicester City ruled the Premier League!
Carolina Coastal get their first trophy ever
Spot illustrations for the feature (15 additional sport events )
And here some discarded sketches I actually liked a lot too!
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